How to Raise a Goldendoodle Puppy

Goldendoodles are highly intelligent and eager to please. They can be easily trained from a young age using positive reinforcement techniques.

These pups are bouncy and active, so they need plenty of daily exercise. Engaging them in activities like fetch, tug of war, and interactive games helps them release their energy and prevent boredom. Contact Puppy Love Paradise now!

Goldendoodle Puppies: Pictures And Facts - DogTime

The decision to adopt or work with a breeder is a big one and should be taken seriously. Reputable breeders will ask you a lot of questions about your home, your lifestyle, and how you plan on raising your Goldendoodle puppy. This may feel like an interrogation, but it’s a sign of a responsible breeder who has the best interest of their pups in mind. They want to ensure that their puppies are going to homes where they will be happy and healthyand will have the resources to care for them.

Goldendoodles are high energy dogs and need lots of attention and exercise. They are not recommended for apartment livingbut thrive in homes with backyards or parks that they can play in. They also make excellent working dogs and are suitable for service or therapy dog training.

To avoid getting a sickly or untrained puppy, you should look for a breeder who works with professional trainers and veterinary staff. They should use positive reinforcement methods such as clicker training, which involves using a small hand-held clicker to mark the puppy when it follows your commands. It’s an effective method that will build a bond between you and your puppy while helping it learn new behaviors.

You should also choose a breeder who offers a health guarantee, and is willing to take back any puppy that doesn’t thrive in its new home. They should also be transparent about their breeding practices and genetic testing procedures. A good breeder will answer any and all of your questions honestly and without hesitation. If they seem annoyed by your inquiries or deflect them, it’s a red flag.

When choosing a breeder, be sure to visit the facility and speak with the breeder in person. This will give you a better idea of the environment and care that your puppy is receiving, and help you decide whether their pups are a good fit for your family. In addition, you’ll be able to discuss important details such as their daily puppy schedule, food requirements, and the training methods they use to socialize their puppies.


Goldendoodles are a high energy breed, so grooming is a huge part of their daily care. Their dense fur needs to be brushed every day and bathed at least twice a month. During these baths, it is important to use coat-specific shampoos like PRIDE+GROOM that help nourish the fur and keep it healthy and tangle-free.

If a dog’s coat gets too tangled or matted, it is very painful for them and they can become itchy and scratchy. Regular brushing and grooming prevents this from happening and it also helps to keep the skin healthy by spreading natural oils throughout the fur.

Dogs that are not groomed regularly may develop a bad smell from moisture that is trapped in the mats of their hair. Grooming them daily, bathing them monthly, and having their nails trimmed regularly can help prevent this from occurring.

It is also important to groom a dog’s ears weekly and clean them as needed with an ear cleaning solution that is safe for dogs. If a dog’s ears get dirty, it can lead to infection in the ear canal and eardrum. If you notice any ear problems, contact your veterinarian right away.

The eyes should also be examined on a regular basis for any signs of irritation or foreign objects. This is especially important if your dog is a puppy. If you notice any squinting or excessive blinking, it is likely that your dog has an eye issue that should be checked out by your veterinarian.

Other areas that need to be cleaned and cared for include the nose, feet, ears, and teeth. Using a doggie nail clipper and scissors can help you to trim their nails while they are still soft and avoid causing any discomfort or pain for the dog. It is also important to keep their toenails from getting too long so that they do not interfere with their ability to walk or run. Lastly, a teeth brushing routine can help to prevent gum disease, which can be very painful for dogs and can cause them to lose their teeth.


Goldendoodles are highly intelligent, so they respond well to training. They can be taught basic obedience skills and tricks, as well as how to behave around children and other pets. They are also often trained as guide dogs due to their innate intelligence, gentleness, and affectionate natures.

Getting your puppy on a regular schedule from the very beginning is important, as is crate training. This will help your pup feel reassured and secure, especially if you have to leave the house for work or other commitments. A routine will also allow you to establish a consistent feeding, potty and napping schedule.

Crate training can also be a useful tool in preventing destructive behaviors like chewing and going potty in places where they aren’t supposed to. However, it’s important to remember that a dog’s crate should not be used as punishment; instead, it should become a comfortable place where they sleep and relax.

While crate training may take time, it will set the tone for your puppy’s life with you. It will help your dog to know when it’s time to eat, go outside for potty breaks, play, and learn new commands. It can be helpful to use positive reinforcement during training, such as encouraging your dog with praise and treats. It’s best to avoid negative reinforcement, as this can discourage your dog and lead to behavioral issues in the future.

In addition to daily training and exercise, Goldendoodles need plenty of mental stimulation. You can encourage this by playing games like fetch, frisbee, or tetherball with your dog. You can also try puzzle toys and food dispensing toys to keep your dog interested and challenged.

A balanced diet is also essential to your dog’s health. Ensure your pet is eating high-quality dog food and has access to fresh water at all times.

A well-trained goldendoodle can be a loyal and obedient companion for the whole family, including kids. With proper care, you can enjoy your goldendoodle’s playful personality and intelligence for years to come. This versatile breed is also ideal for people with allergies, as they are a low-shedding dog breed that does not shed much.

Health Care

As with all puppies, goldendoodles are prone to some health issues. Getting your dog on a wellness plan from the beginning can help prevent or catch some of these issues early, allowing them to live a longer life.

The most common health concern for goldendoodles is hip dysplasia and joint disease. These conditions can be hereditary or caused by environmental factors, including obesity and long-term vigorous exercise. Symptoms include limping, difficulty getting up and down, change in gait, muscle wasting in the back end, and joint swelling.

Another common health issue for goldendoodles is ear infections. These can be hereditary or due to environmental factors, including skin allergies and irritants. Symptoms of an infection can include head shaking, pawing at the ears, ear odor, itchiness, and redness of the ears. Ear infections are best prevented by avoiding ear plugs, keeping the ears clean and dry after swimming or bathing, and trimming bangs to ensure they don’t block your dog’s vision.

Finally, goldendoodles are prone to congenital eye problems such as glaucoma and cataracts. While they don’t always cause symptoms, it’s important to keep an eye out for them and visit a veterinarian if you see any of the signs.

If you’re looking for a goldendoodlebe sure to choose a reputable breeder who practices ethical breeding and does health testing. Ask the breeder to provide you with a copy of your puppy’s parents’ OFA hip certifications, OFA heart clearances, and a certificate from the Canine Eye Registry Foundation that their eyes are healthy.

Once you’ve brought your new puppy home, be sure to establish a daily routine that includes feeding, playtimes, nap times, and training sessions. Puppy’s need consistency and structure to thrive, so establishing this routine from the beginning can help your goldendoodle grow into a well-mannered adult dog. As with all dogs, you should take your goldendoodle to a veterinarian for regular checkups and vaccinations. This can help you avoid certain illnesses and health concerns, like heart disease and diabetes. Your vet can also recommend joint supplements for goldendoodles, which can help reduce inflammation and increase lubrication.